Friday, December 11, 2009

New Schedule

So I had to change my schedul for second semester. It totally sucks. I had to switch chem to 6th to 7th and now have two classes of pe. In 6th period I have pe 1 and 2, 3rd is pe 3 and 4. ewwww. So no more 6th period chem. I am going to miss all the class like Marcus, Mason, Candice, Nicole, etc. I am so sad. But, i know a lot of people in 7th period so it should be fun.

Mole Song with Mr. Washington

Unfairness is so uncool.

We choose our team captins for soccer, well sort of. They are all freshman and i don't think tht is fair because their needs to be at least a sophomore. So i talked to my coach and and she said that majority is freshman so keep to freshamn captains. Since, when did any team do that. What a dumb answer. So whatever as long as they are not all rude. Nice answer coach, not.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Can Play

YAY!! I can play soccer now. It was supposed to be 3 weeks or more but it was only 2 weeks. The doc said I am a fast healer. Thank you, I was getting kind of bored not playing soccer. I had be on cructhes the first week, not that fun. It hurt my arms and armpits. Then, the second week I had to be in a boot like Kristen Stewart in Twilight. My friends wanted me to wear a blue dress and one black converse hightop, just like Kristen. Yeah right. So I can't practice till Monday but I get to where 2 shoes now. Whoa.

Can't Play Soccer

I can't play soccer. NNOOOO!!! Well we lost first :( I got hurt the first game in second quater:( A girl kicked my ankle out and torn ligaments. So now I can't play soccer for 3 weeks or more. We won our first gam 3-1 and lost our recent game from yesterday 2-1. We are really well because we are playing higher divsions and are almost beating them or beat them. That's says a lot about how we are going to play with people in our league. I hope we do good cause we are good!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


So tryouts for soccer is over. I was so nervous. I made JV, Thank God!! I was nervous because I thought I was going to get cut. But, now that it is over, I am happy. I like people on my team, but one not to well from past experiences. Two of my friends are off the team till they get their grades up by January. I hope they get them up because we need them both. For this season, I hope my team does good, I dont care if we lose, just not all and not most of them. We are going to win. Come on 2009-2010 Jv, get those grades up and stay together as a team. Work your problems out, I am. Dont lose cofindence!!! Lets win the League, baby!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Soccer Tryouts

This week is soccer tryouts. I am so nervous. Chem is okay. This week we did this lab about conducting electricity it was cool. Last night I had a soccer game at 9 at night. But, it got postponed til 10 at night. I was there at the place with my team from 8:30 to 12:oo at night. That was equal to about 4 and a half hours. It was a good game and was against the other team for millbrae, it was hecka fun. We lost by 1 point and it was offside. But the refees were really bad. Both teams agreed. That is my week so far.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Chem is a good class in all but I dont get it. Like I understand it but the thing is I cant take tests. When it comes to taking tests I blank out and cant remember anything. Idk, why that happens I think I need to figure it out. Don't I?


Omgosh. Halloween is like in 3 days and I dont even know what I am going to be. I think I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood from the Hood. Try saying that 10 times fast. Really try it, its hard to say it once.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Homecoming Week.

It is homecoming week... the first day was black and white, the 2nd was scary, the 3rd day was wacky, the 4th was western, and the 5th day, friday was austin powers for sophomores.

HI! its nicole, cruz.... from chem class.... HI! im bored.
oh hears gabby the loser...

Candice and I are soooooooo excited for the homecoming game today and the dance tomorrow. Party then dance then midnight bowling. HAHAHAHA

Flame Test

The flam test was so much fun. We put some manys things in the flame and different chemcials and saw so many chemicals. There was magenta, pink and purple and orange and green. It was so much fun. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Party in Chemistry

Chem is a little bit of fun. We are watching this video about E=mc squared. You know how science videos are boring, this one isn't it is about Albert Einstein making the equation above. And it goes thorough different time periods, it is so cool. Chem is fun!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I think I did better on this test than on the IsaQuiz, which if I did good it will raise my grade. Praise the school. A song that is stuck is Meet Me Halfway thanks to tropical oreo. This week is so mucho fun.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things hidden in the periodic table

This week, I went to Chem tutoring it helped. We also learned about isotopes and mostly about the periodic table. I never knew it was divide up into so many things. Yes in Bio we did use the periodic table but we didn't learn it like Chem. You can use the periodic table in some many ways. It tells you a lot about the element. You can find how many protons, neutrons, electrons, the atomic number, mass weight, mass number, and element symbol. Chem is really interesting. Wow. GOT TO KNOW THE UNITS CAUSE THE UNITS ARE SO KEY!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The tales of Chem

This week I found out that I need to study harder and to not wait to do my homework at the last minute. That is why I am going to find all the sources I need to exceed. This week was also really fun, I made a music video for both Chem and History. History's music video I played a wide range of characters from a nerd to a thug to a soccer star, my group and I had a lot of fun making it. The Chem video was so much fun... I played a nerdy science teacher and I had back up dancers with pom poms- Candice and Nicole. Our group was so boss. Go nonmetals.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Today I took a test in chem. It called IsaQuiz. It was really hard. It was worth 50 points and I think I got 32. I think I failed it. Most likely. I will try to do better in the future but calculator doesnt go that far. We did labs in class and they were. My group would tell jokes about ALBERTA, and I fell off the chair for laughing to hard. During I talked like the excorist and we had fun. GO NONMETALS!!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

My Poster for Soccer made by Karissa

My Poster is up of matter. It takes up space and has mass. It has a green light, a baby saying, ga, and a bee. It means GO GABEE, in pictures. Matter makes up most of the universe, it is stuff that the universe is composed of. I like my poster so much, thank Karissa. Chemistry is closer than we think, it is in fromt of our faces, just like his computer made up of matter! :0

Thursday, August 20, 2009


My goals in life are to pass chemistry. Also to be successful in everything I do. To go past my succeed passs my abilities. And to look at the bigger picture and to be able to apply things that I learn to to real life situations. I want become either culinary chef, a cardic surgeon, or a computer tech. And to be wealthy! I have a passion towards baking and cooking. I have passion in soccer and softball. My passion comes from my friends and family.