Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Chem is a good class in all but I dont get it. Like I understand it but the thing is I cant take tests. When it comes to taking tests I blank out and cant remember anything. Idk, why that happens I think I need to figure it out. Don't I?


Omgosh. Halloween is like in 3 days and I dont even know what I am going to be. I think I am going to be Little Red Riding Hood from the Hood. Try saying that 10 times fast. Really try it, its hard to say it once.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Homecoming Week.

It is homecoming week... the first day was black and white, the 2nd was scary, the 3rd day was wacky, the 4th was western, and the 5th day, friday was austin powers for sophomores.

HI! its nicole, cruz.... from chem class.... HI! im bored.
oh hears gabby the loser...

Candice and I are soooooooo excited for the homecoming game today and the dance tomorrow. Party then dance then midnight bowling. HAHAHAHA

Flame Test

The flam test was so much fun. We put some manys things in the flame and different chemcials and saw so many chemicals. There was magenta, pink and purple and orange and green. It was so much fun. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Party in Chemistry

Chem is a little bit of fun. We are watching this video about E=mc squared. You know how science videos are boring, this one isn't it is about Albert Einstein making the equation above. And it goes thorough different time periods, it is so cool. Chem is fun!!!