Friday, December 11, 2009

New Schedule

So I had to change my schedul for second semester. It totally sucks. I had to switch chem to 6th to 7th and now have two classes of pe. In 6th period I have pe 1 and 2, 3rd is pe 3 and 4. ewwww. So no more 6th period chem. I am going to miss all the class like Marcus, Mason, Candice, Nicole, etc. I am so sad. But, i know a lot of people in 7th period so it should be fun.

Mole Song with Mr. Washington

Unfairness is so uncool.

We choose our team captins for soccer, well sort of. They are all freshman and i don't think tht is fair because their needs to be at least a sophomore. So i talked to my coach and and she said that majority is freshman so keep to freshamn captains. Since, when did any team do that. What a dumb answer. So whatever as long as they are not all rude. Nice answer coach, not.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Can Play

YAY!! I can play soccer now. It was supposed to be 3 weeks or more but it was only 2 weeks. The doc said I am a fast healer. Thank you, I was getting kind of bored not playing soccer. I had be on cructhes the first week, not that fun. It hurt my arms and armpits. Then, the second week I had to be in a boot like Kristen Stewart in Twilight. My friends wanted me to wear a blue dress and one black converse hightop, just like Kristen. Yeah right. So I can't practice till Monday but I get to where 2 shoes now. Whoa.

Can't Play Soccer

I can't play soccer. NNOOOO!!! Well we lost first :( I got hurt the first game in second quater:( A girl kicked my ankle out and torn ligaments. So now I can't play soccer for 3 weeks or more. We won our first gam 3-1 and lost our recent game from yesterday 2-1. We are really well because we are playing higher divsions and are almost beating them or beat them. That's says a lot about how we are going to play with people in our league. I hope we do good cause we are good!!!