Friday, February 12, 2010


Macbeth is a book by Shakespeare, we are reading about in English. It is about war and killings and how greed for power just blows up into chaos. I also found out that people would get hurt or die by performing Macbeth the play. So now in theatres they don't say it or else they will be cursed. Either it is science like chem or just superstition.

Like Dissolves is a saying used to show how solvents work. It shows that water can not dissolve in oil. This is caused because water is polar and oil is not. This is so cool!!!

Last quad

Today is the last quad of 2010. Aww. This year has gone by so fast and pretty soon it is going to be our junior year and everyone is going to be driving. Whoa. Chem is so cool you find things out you never know. Like concentration.

Winter Formal

Winter Formal is coming and I dont know if I should go. Aaron is going Little T. Ryan is going with Jessica. They are so cute and in love. Valentine's Day is coming and Vanessa got a sercet admire. And guys are in love and girls are falling for girls.

Soccer Game against Cap

We played against Cap and tied and then a just recently we lost against Cap and but it was a good game and we have one last game this year for soccer against South City. For sure we are in 3rd place and that is very good. Go vikings!!!

New Year

This is a new year and it is going to be great. I have a new schedule and it is going to be so much fun. I not in school till like the first friday because I am going to be in Hawaii.